Spiritual Direction

How often do I meet with a spiritual director?

Ordinarily I meet with a directee for an hour of conversation every 3 – 4 weeks. In times of great need or intense discernment, these meetings will be more frequent. At other times, the time between sessions can be extended. 

Where do the spiritual direction sessions take place?

Sessions happen primarily in my home or at a church or chapel.  Some directees enjoy meeting (weather permitting) in a park or at another location.  For people who do not live in the Palm Springs area, sessions can take place over the phone or in a Zoom call.

How much does spiritual direction cost?

You will gain much more from spiritual direction when we meet regularly, for this will assist your level of intentionality and our fruitfulness in making progress together. The first few sessions are scheduled closer together to allow us to quick-start our work together. To facilitate this, I offer your first session at no charge, as we listen together about our potential fit as director/directee.

Our first session/phone call is free of charge, as we listen to see if it is a good fit for your spiritual needs. My services per 60 minute sessions are $75. Cash, Venmo, Zelle, or check is fine, and payment is collected at the end of the session.

What do we do during a typical session?

We will sit in a quiet, private space with a candle on a table nearby, discussing whatever life experience the directee shares. That’s spiritual direction in its basic form.

At the first visit, the two of us will likely spend some time getting to know one another.  After the initial “meet and greet,” then I will begin the session by inviting a time of silence, asking you to “take as much or as little silence as you need and begin when you are ready by lighting the candle.”

When ready, you—the directee—will start talking about the reason you are seeking spiritual direction.  It can be as simple as wanting to have someone you can check in with each month as you live out your spiritual practice. Or it could be a life situation you want to explore.  If you don’t know where to start, it’s not a problem. I may ask you what prompted your desire for spiritual direction or what your spiritual path has been like. Once you share your concern, story or expectations, I will begin to sense what is at the “heart of the matter” for you.

The “heart of the matter” is what you will explore with the director. Spiritual directors are trained to be patient and not attached to a particular outcome for you. We want you to set the pace and make your own choices.

Do you use sacred texts or specific prayer practices?

I love a variety of sacred texts but rarely use them in spiritual direction unless you feel specifically drawn to include such a text in our conversation. I sometimes feel led to offer books, scripture, or poems during time together. We can incorporate special traditions or prayers you enjoy and find meaningful, such as Centering Prayer, Guided Meditation, Lectio Divina, or a number of other practices.

How does spiritual direction differ from counseling?

There are very real differences between spiritual direction and counseling (also known as therapy). You may be wondering which one is best for you in your current life situation.

One obvious difference is that counseling generally takes place once a week or twice a month while most spiritual directors only see directees once a month. Yes, this makes spiritual direction a little less expensive than therapy, however it would be foolish to substitute one for the other in order to save money!

Spiritual directors are not trained or equipped to work with your personal problems in a goal-oriented or “fixing” mode. So if you have a crisis or a life issue in which you need help once a week—definitely seek out therapy. Spiritual directors encourage the once-a-month model so that our time together is a gentle “check-in” around experiences that have either drawn you closer to God or felt more like obstacles on your path.

Beyond that basic difference, spiritual directors are trained to focus on your spiritual questions—your deep longings, sacred experiences and your response to what is holy and meaningful in your life. While some therapists may bring a spiritual component to their work, spirituality would not be their main focus. Therapy is designed to help you work on thoughts, emotions and behaviors that impact your life and relationships. You may explore your past to see how it has influenced who you are today. Therapy may be problem-solving, goal-oriented and, at times, confrontational.

How does spiritual direction differ from mentoring?

Mentoring relationships in general involve teaching and modeling, directed by the mentor. A spiritual director does do some teaching as well, but teaching is not the main thrust of her ministry. Her predominant role is as a listener and guide, as one who accompanies others on their journey. The spiritual director does not come with an agenda, but allows the directee to bring into the discussion what is currently most relevant in his/her life.

What kind of training do you have?

I have a Master of Divinity and a Post-Masters in Transforming Spirituality with an emphasis in Spiritual Direction from Seattle University School of Theology & Ministry.  I have a B.A. in Religion and Christian Ministries. I am a member of Spiritual Directors International (http://www.sdiworld.org). I am an MBTI Certified Practitioner. I am a graduate of the Shalem Institute’s Contemplative Leadership program.

What kind of people do you see as directees?

In the Spiritual Directors International directory, I am listed as an interfaith spiritual director because I am comfortable with all traditions and practices and seek to support you as you more deeply understand the way your life, heart, and spirit is leading you.

I’ve had direct experience with the following traditions:

  • Quakers [Friends]
  • Methodist
  • Episcopalian
  • Church of God (Anderson, IN)
  • Catholic
  • Presbyterian
  • Evangelicals
  • Church of Christ
  • United Church of Christ
  • Baptist
  • Lutheran
  • Humanist
  • Unitarian Universalist
  • Atheist
  • Recovering Evangelicals

In other words, all people are welcome.

What type of engagement agreement will we establish to clarify roles and responsibilities in our spiritual direction relationship?

After we have our initial first meeting, you will fill out and sign a copy of the Engagement Agreement Form that I will give to you.  This will set up our framework and expectations for the spiritual direction directee/director relationship.