
“My times with Jessie have always been like being on a reality show of spirituality…nothing scripted, nothing cliche, just honest, gritty, heartfelt and of course full of hilarity!!” – Paul

“Jessie Thompson will look you right in the eye, listen to your whole story, and speak truth into your life in an accepting and sometimes challenging way. She\’s recognized my giftedness and helped me understand how to be myself while pushing myself to be better. And oh yeah, she does it all in a spiritual context that\’s refreshing and honest.” – Andrew

“Jessie is always willing to listen and give her complete attention to me.  She has a way of seeing into the soul and discerning when or if things are going well inside a person or if there is some sadness or a hesitant response.  She is a person who is compassionate and willing to love others unconditionally. These are gifts from God.  When I think of her, I think of the big love that Jessie is willing to share with everyone.” – Connie

“The work that Jessie is doing seems like what she has been gifted for.  I know how God has blessed her with the ability to allow people to comfortably engage the world from a place of honesty and humility. I loved our time together because we could mourn and rejoice together, but more than that we could talk about the depth and breadth of life without feeling the need to ‘fix’ something.  We opened the door for the conversation, then stepped back and let God do the fixing” – Anya

“I know Jessie to be one of the most authentic people I’ve ever met.  She lives her life full-out with much gusto and laughter, yet she is prayerful and deeply faithful.  I have experienced her guidance as she holds up what she knows to be true about God’s call in my life in a way I cannot deny.  As she encourages me to live into my God-given gifts, her commitment to do the same is inspirational!” – B.Sol

“Spiritual direction helped me to channel the courage I needed to make purposeful turns in my life. Seeking out spiritual direction with Jessie was one of the best gifts I gave to myself, and then Jessie with the help of the Spirit magnified this gift ten-fold.” – Brandon

“Jessie, the number one thing you helped me to understand and have a new understanding of is how I viewed God.  For most of my life I viewed God as a stern, ready to hammer Deity when I failed in my walk.  Now, I view the Lord as a loving God, ready to forgive and show me grace, forgiveness and more grace.  I enjoy this new overall picture of God…Thanks Jessie for the season you walked along side me.” – Ed

“I have been blessed to have Jessie in my life for many years. One of the most special memories I will take with me came in our first year of [spiritual direction]. During high school I went through some hard times…Jessie has prayed with me and for me more often than I can count. However, what sticks out to me is when she sat with me on the floor in her office, crying with me. No words. Tears. Love. Support.” – Laura

“Having a professional like Jessie talk you through your personal MBTI profile goes far beyond a traditional online test. As someone who has read a few books about Myers-Briggs, I thought I had a really good handle on my type and how I interact with others. I was so pleasantly surprised at the nuance and greater understanding I got from Jessie. I definitely recommend it.” – AL